RE-COV Study
Download the RE-COV Study Report
When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, it created particular challenges and experiences for those living and working in Retirement Villages (RVs) and Extra Care Housing (ECH) and continues to do so more than a year on. Very little robust evidence existed in the public domain about what the pandemic’s impact had been in these housing-with-care settings.
♦ How had it affected the housing-with-care operators, their staff and residents?
♦ How had operators responded to the pandemic?
♦ What had their innovations and successes been, and what were the key ongoing challenges?
Funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, undertaken by St Monica Trust and supported by the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network), the RE-COV study aims to address these gaps with the view to sharing evidence to inform future operational decisions and practices, influence national policy developments, and raise awareness of the retirement village and extra care housing COVID-19 experience in England.
Read the story behind the study in our news section here.
The report was published on Thursday 29 April 2021 and can be downloaded below:
Download the summary report (PDF)
Download the full report (PDF)
Download the questionnaire (PDF)
For media enquiries please contact our media officer Ben Jailler on 07964 920846 or ben.jailler@stmonicatrust.org.uk
Rachael Dutton, Study Project Manager and lead on the questionnaire design, data analysis, interpretation and writing of the report can be contacted at rachael.dutton@stmonicatrust.org.uk