Introducing our research
For the St Monica Trust research is a win-win. We're dedicated to using evidence to improve what we do and sharing our expertise with others.
We gather data from inside our own retirement communities and services as well as from the first-r
Research Collaborations
We're delighted to collaborate with some top organisations on a wide variety of research projects, activities and funding proposals relating to the lives of older people. Recent collaborations include with the University of Bath, City University of London, University of Oxford, University of West England and the University of Bristol. Find out more about these projects using the slider.
RE-COV Study
Funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, undertaken by St Monica Trust and supported by the Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network), the RE-COV Study aims to understand the effectiveness of measures taken to protect the health and well-being of residents and colleagues in retirement villages and extra care housing.
Read moreUniversity of Bath (2017-2020)
REtirement in ACTion (REACT) – a study to assess the effectiveness of a physical activity intervention designed to reduce mobility disability in older people, completed in May 2020.
Explore the REACT projectCity University of London (2019-20)
Collaboration with development work (including stakeholder participation) to broaden out the target user group for the SCAMPI quality of life tool to all older people and to augment its well-being and active ageing aspects.
Explore the SCAMPI toolUniversity of West England (2018-19)
Collaboration on a multi-sector Connected and Autonomous Vehicles project called ‘FLOURISH. This investigated and tested issues in providing adequate services for older adults and cyber-security.
Explore this projectBristol Robotics Lab, UWE (2018-2019)
Collaboration with the Bristol Robotics Lab and PhD Student & Software Engineer Zeek Steer.
Explore Bristol Robotics LabUniversity of Bristol (2018-2019)
This project with Bristol University explored the role of volunteers in a care settings for older people. Key findings include their range of involvement, level of contribution, the role of coordinators and the idea of an 'army' of volunteers.
Studio Meineck (2017-18)
The Musical Memory Box by Bristol-based design studio developed personalised musical memory boxes for a groups of our residents living with dementia.
Explore Musical Memory Box
Our Research team share our findings at a variety of events and conferences across the UK, including:
- 'An evidence-based guide to Intergenerational Activity for Older People'
South West Housing LIN Regional Meeting Bristol (July 2019) - 'Bringing the outside community in, St Monica Trust's children's project'
LaingBuisson South West Long Term Care Conference (Oct 2018) - 'Life with purpose: Intergenerational developments within older people's living'
LGA Annual Conference and Exhibition (2018) - ‘Healing the Generational Divide’ report launch
Rachael Dutton was a speaker and panel member at the launch of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration’s interim report (May 2019)
Guides & Publications
Chapter in Intergenerational Learning in Practice: ‘Together Old and Young’
This new book was published by Routledge in 2019 and features stories of best practice across Europe. Co-written by our CEO David Williams and Head of Research and Intelligence Rachael Dutton, our chapter is 'Old Peoples Home for 4-Year-Olds: A Social Experiment looking at the Impact of the Contact on Health and Wellbeing.'
Guide to Intergenerational Activity
Available to download for free, our Guide to Intergenerational Activity is packed full of key information, inspiring success stories and top tips for your own projects.
Chapter in Ages Apart: Ties and Divides Across the Generations
This essay collection is part of the the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration's inquiry into intergenerational connection. Our chapter 'Islands of the Elderly: How Retirement Communities are Bridging Generational Divides' was co-written by our CEO David Williams and Maia Beresford, Policy & Comms Manager at ARCO.
Social connection with isolated groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
St Monica Trust's response to the April 2020 Call for Evidence from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration Inquiry.
RE-COV Study
The RE-COV study, which was led by the St Monica Trust and based on a survey of 38 retirement village and extra care housing operators, aims to better understand their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the effectiveness of measures taken to protect the health and well-being of residents and staff.