Care and Support Service’s leadership rated ‘Outstanding’ by CQC
The leadership of the St Monica Trust's Cote Lane Care and Support Service has been rated as ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC following an announced inspection on 05 May 2023.
Out of the potential five key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), two were inspected with ‘Well-led’ rated as ‘Outstanding’, Safe rated as ‘Good’ and the service maintained its overall rating of ‘Good’.
Under the ‘Well-led’ KLOE, the CQC look for evidence that: “service leadership, management and governance assured high-quality, person-centred care; supported learning and innovation; and promote an open, fair culture.”
The registered manager provided excellent leadership and demonstrated a high level of experience and delivered care, which was compassionate and inclusive.

Excellent leadership
In their report, the CQC said that people and residents: “were consistently complimentary about the kindness of the staff and the reliability of the service they received.”
And that staff: “demonstrated that they valued the principles of dignity very highly and went above and beyond to ensure that the standards of dignity were upheld every day, for everyone.”
Highlighting the leadership of the care and support team at Cote Lane, the CQC said: “The registered manager provided excellent leadership and demonstrated a high level of experience and delivered care, which was compassionate and inclusive.
"This had been sustained and developed over a number of CQC inspections."

Trust's third 'Outstanding' rating for leadership
The St Monica Trust’s Chief Executive, David Williams said: “My congratulations go to the senior care team of Racheal Nicoll, Sharron Stevens, Tracey Long and Emily Anderson, and all of the support staff.
"Congratulations also to Deputy Domiciliary Care Manager, Christine Cox and Domiciliary Care Manager, Colin Dicks.
“It is wonderful to see the consistently high standard of care that the team deliver on a daily basis, reflected in the positive testimony given to the CQC by our residents and their loved ones.
“This is the Trust’s third ‘Outstanding’ rating for the leadership of a service in recent years and highlights a firm commitment to continuous improvement from the entire team.
"They should all be extremely proud of what they have achieved.”

For further information on our Cote Lane Retirement Village or to book a viewing, please contact our sales team on 0117 919 4257 or e-mail Sales.Team@stmonicatrust.org.uk.