Home Care Service rated ‘Good’ following CQC inspection
The Chocolate Quarter’s Home Care Service has been rated by the CQC as ‘Good’ following an unannounced inspection on 25 May 2022.
Out of the five key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led were all rated ‘Good’.
In their report, the CQC said the following about residents’ experience of using the home care service: “People were treated well by staff who were kind, caring and who went beyond the expectation of their roles to support people.
The report also highlighted that: “the service was well led and had an open culture (and) staff at all levels displayed a desire to provide good quality, person-centred care to people.”

Maintaining independence
The Chocolate Quarter’s home care service offers a range of tailored care and support to help residents maintain their independence.
This service can vary from meeting personal care needs, such as showering or getting dressed, to offering assistance with medication, companionship, shopping and preparing meals.

"Very proud"
St Monica Trust’s Chief Executive, David Williams said: “The Chocolate Quarter’s home care team always receives extremely positive feedback in our regular residents’ surveys, and it is excellent to see the high standard of care that they consistently deliver being recognised by the CQC.”
“That this has been achieved by a relatively new team, and while dealing with all the challenges that the pandemic has posed for the care sector, makes this result all the more remarkable.
"Domiciliary Care Manager, Colin Dicks and the entire home care team should be very proud of what they have accomplished."

For more information on The Chocolate Quarter’s Home Care Service, please call Colin Dicks on 0117 363 7316 or email colin.dicks@stmonicatrust.org.uk.