Community Impact invites applications for £160,000 Living Well Fund
The St Monica Trust’s Community Impact has launched a new fund for services that support older people to stay independent and be proactive about their health and well-being.
We want to support projects and activities that can show they are supporting older people to be proactive about their health and well-being.
The Living Well Fund will award a maximum of £30,000 a year for a period of three years to organisations working to improve the lives of individuals aged 55 and over within Bristol, South Gloucestershire, BANES and North Somerset.
Staying active
The St Monica Trust’s Director of Community Impact, Adam Rees said: “According to the Office of National Statistics, while people are on average, living longer, more of these years are spent in “not good health”.
“In recent years there has been increased focus on preventative services that support older people to stay active and healthy in order maintain their own independence."

Five Ways to Well-being
The type of projects and activities that the Living Well Fund will support should follow the Five Ways to Well-being: Be active, Connect, Take notice, Learn and Give.
These are evidence-based, simple and proven actions that help people take care of their mental health and well-being.
Continued Adam: “We want to support projects and activities that can show they are supporting older people to be proactive about their health and well-being.
"This may be providing community activities, volunteering opportunities or helping people to stay in their own home.”

Supporting individuals
Since the charity was founded in 1920, the St Monica Trust has always supported individuals outside of its retirement communities, helping to tackle issues that affect the lives of older people in Bristol and the surrounding area.
In 2020, Community Impact will distribute a total of £750,000 to individuals, families and organisations across the region and the Trust is committed to increase its giving over the next few years.

Organisations can apply for the Living Well Fund by downloading an application form and sending the completed forms to the St Monica Trust by midday on Wednesday, 15 April, 2020.
Click here for more information on how to apply for the Living Well Fund or email Community Giving Manager, Angelina Shoemake at angelina.shoemake@stmonicatrust.org.uk.