All ‘Good’ at Westbury Fields following CQC inspection
Westbury Fields care and support service has been rated by the CQC as ‘Good’ following an announced inspection on 18 and 19 December, 2019.
Staff and the registered manager showed a genuine interest and passion to deliver personalised care based on people’s likes, wishes and preferences
Out of the five key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led were all rated ‘Good’.
Personalised care
In their report, the CQC said the following about people’s experience of using the care and support service: “People told us they felt safe and that staff were kind, supported them in a dignified and respectful manner and maintained their privacy and independence.
The report also highlighted that: “Staff and the registered manager showed a genuine interest and passion to deliver personalised care based on people’s likes, wishes and preferences,” and that “leaders and the culture they created promoted high-quality, person-centred-care.”

Remarkable consistency
St Monica Trust’s Chief Executive, David Williams said: “My congratulations go to Westbury Fields Retirement Community Manager, Jeanette Iles and her entire team on what they have achieved.
“This is the second inspection in a row that the service has been rated with all five KLOEs as ‘Good’ and shows remarkable consistency in the quality of care that is delivered on a daily basis by Jeanette and her team.”

For further information on our retirement villages or to arrange a viewing please contact the St Monica’s Trust sales team on 0117 949 4004 or e-mail sales.team@stmonicatrust.org.uk.