Trust's Care at Home service rated 'Good' by CQC
St Monica Trust’s Care at Home service has received a ‘Good’ rating from the CQC in its recent inspection report.
Specialist personal support
Based on Henleaze Road, the Care at Home team provides personal care and support to more than 130 older and disabled people living in their own homes across Bristol and Keynsham.
The services provided by St Monica Trust’s Care at Home team, include household tasks, assistance with personal care, companionship, practical help while recovering from an illness and specialist personal support.
Compassionate and personal service
St Monica Trust’s Head of Community Services, Donna McDermott said: “The executive team of the St Monica Trust are very happy with this outcome.
“The whole Care at Home team are extremely committed and dedicated to providing the most positive, compassionate and personal service to our customers.
“This attitude encompasses the whole team from the front line staff, to the rota coordinators, administrators and management team based in the office.
“It is further confirmed by the fact that since the service was established in 2012, there are still a number of both staff and customers who are still part of this team. Well done to everyone.”
Friendly, polite and kind
CQC inspectors awarded St Monica Trust’s Care at Home service a ‘Good’ rating across all five areas which examined safety, effectiveness, caring, responsiveness, and leadership.
The report from the Care Quality Commission stated: “People were cared for in a kind and respectful way.
"Those who used the service, relatives and staff all spoke positively of the leadership and management of the service.
“The service scored highly in response to people's views on feeling safe with care staff, confident that care staff were well-trained and that care staff were friendly, polite and kind.”
Memorable moments
CQC inspectors spoke to ten customers and four relatives of people who used the service, as well as staff members, management and an external health professional who had experience of working with the service.
They noted that care staff were encouraged to provide 'memorable moments' for people, which were occasions when staff demonstrated they had provided more than the care tasks they were expected to undertake.
These included darning a customer’s favourite cardigan and taking round copies of The Spectator magazine to a customer who had a particular interest in politics.
"It's like winning the lottery"
The CQC reported that the staff they spoke with were all proud to work for the Care at Home service. Without exception, they all spoke highly about the support they received and how the service was managed.
A senior member of staff told the CQC about their experience of working for the St Monica Trust. "It's like winning the lottery working here.
"We get subsidised meals, there's a counselling service if we need to use it, a Christmas bonus, thank yous, use of the pool and gym, and the senior managers and trustees call in and make sure we're okay."
Announced inspection
The published report was based on an announced inspection on 13 December, 2017 and follows the September 2015 visit by the Care Quality Commission during which the service was also rated as ‘good’.
A registered charity, the St Monica Trust has received numerous awards for the quality of its care services and accommodation.
The Trust operates retirement villages across Bristol and North Somerset and has recently opened The Chocolate Quarter, which is based in the former Fry’s Factory in Keynsham.