Signpost 9 (15 June)
Welcome to the latest edition of Signpost. This week we mark 45 years since Jaws was released at the cinema, learn about the history of Stonehenge in relation to the solstices and find out what YouTube is all about.
Welcome to another issue of Signpost. We are always pleased to hear peoples’ thoughts on the links that we share and recently one person told us “I think there is always something of interest there for people of all tastes”. We hope that you would agree but if you have any thoughts or ideas for future links please email us at communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk
135 years ago this week the Statue of Liberty arrived in New York, 45 years ago Jaws was released and 20 years ago Tiger Woods won the 100th US Open at Pebble Beach, California, winning by an unheard of 15 strokes.
- We recently caught up with one of our volunteers Alex Pickford who was telling us how dance is telling a story using your body. Inspired by this video produced by the dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet, Alex conceived and directed her own version using older dancers in Bristol, telling the story of how they were responding to Covid isolation. Alex and all of the dancers want to acknowledge all the amazing support workers who are keeping older people safe. You can watch the video here.
- We often put links to videos on Signpost and one of the most popular video sharing websites is YouTube, but what is it? We have written a short article to explain the website and to give you some ideas about the kinds of videos available. You can read the article here.
- It is the summer solstice on June 20 and often a time of year that people travel to Stonehenge to celebrate. This year we are unable to do this but the Stonehenge website has an interesting article about how the stones were used in relation to the solstices.
- Sunday 21 June is the International day of Yoga. Why not celebrate the day by trying out this slow and gentle yoga exercise?
- Government rules around coronavirus seem to be changing fast at the moment. You may have heard that those living alone may join a 'support bubble' from 13 June. To find out more about what this means and all the current advice on visiting St Monica Trust residents, do take a look at our Coronavirus Update page.
- Have you heard of the “Great British Sewing Bee”? It is a BBC television series which sees 12 amateur sewers taking on challenges as they compete to be named Britain's best home sewer. You can watch episodes here.
Thank you for exploring our suggestions. We hope you have enjoyed them. Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.