Signpost 59 (21 June)
Welcome to the very middle of summer! We have a fantastic selection of links for you this week and hope you are continuing to enjoy them!
During this week in:
1941: Hitler invaded the Soviet Union
1979: Jeremy Thorpe was found not guilty of the attempted murder of Norman Scott
1982: Prince William was born in the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London
2016: the UK voted to leave the European Union
- A Signpost reader recently suggested this video by inspirational speaker Simon Sinek. In the video, Simon talks about empathy and how important it is, not only in business but also in everyday life.
- Rest Less is a new and thriving online community that aims to help navigate both the joys and complexities of life over 50. These forums are a place where you can share stories and receive help, advice and support from like-minded people. From local area groups to groups about books, food and drink, and even pets and animals. Click on the words in each post and these will allow you to see what others have written. There are rules for how to act within the community and you can ask for help here. You can read the posts easily, but if you want to comment yourself you will need to register as a member.
- Redmaids' High School student, Esther, has sent over her most recent video, showcasing a selection of poem and music recitals for you to enjoy. You can watch this video and all of her previous videos here.
- 42 years ago this week, Jeremy Thorpe was found not guilty of the attempted murder of Norman Scott. The BBC adapted the whole Thorpe affair into a television series starring Hugh Grant, called “A Very English Scandal”. You can enjoy all 3 episodes here.
- Another event from this week in history is John F Kennedy’s historic visit to West Germany when he declared “Ich bin ein Berliner”. You can read the speech here and watch JFK give the speech here. The Atlantic Magazine has this article discussing the power of Kennedy’s speech.
- If you are looking for something to keep you busy at home, why not try some origami? The Spruce Crafts website has 10 projects for beginners here, or you can try some more advanced origami like this!
- There once was a man from St Monica… Have you ever wanted to write a limerick? This masterclass shows you how to write a limerick, and you can see some fantastic examples of limericks here!
Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.
Don't forget that our online services of worship and contributions from the Pastoral Care Team can be found at https://vimeo.com/stmonicatrust