Signpost 58 (14 June)
After last week’s edition of Signpost on women, and with Father’s Day fast approaching on 20th June, this week’s newsletter is all about men! From male fitness and classic TV shows to the evolution of man and male ballet dancers - this week’s Signpost has it all!
In 1961, Russian ballet dancer, Rudolf Nureyev, broke free from Russian embassy guards and requested asylum in France, in 1975, the missing Earl Lord Lucan was found guilty of murdering his children’s nanny, in 1990 British Chancellor of the Exchequer, John Major, proposed a new European currency that would be used alongside national currencies.
- This video from the School of Life website entitled ‘How to be a Man’ looks at the 'Hollywood cool man' compared to the more realistic ‘warm man’. Whilst the 'cool man' is invulnerable, well handled without any need to show off or brag, the 'warm man' handles his vulnerabilities well and is conscious of his failings; but uses this knowledge to become interestingly humourous.
- The Men’s Minds Matter website provides a wealth of information to help men feel better in themselves and deal with common issues such as stress, depression, anger or even coping in the coronavirus crisis.
- This video from the American Museum of Natural History shows the family tree of man, taking us on a journey over the last 7 million years. This video provides an interesting perspective on how some human species met each other.
- While Mother’s Day has origins in Christianity, Father’s Day is a much more recent invention. This article explains how Father’s Day has developed since the first in 1908.
- What is masculinity and why do we try to be 'man' enough? Justin Baldoni presents this TED talk about his efforts to reconcile who he is with who the world tells him a man should be. And he has a challenge for men: "See if you can use the same qualities that you feel make you a man to go deeper," Baldoni says. "Your strength, your bravery, your toughness: Are you brave enough to be vulnerable? Are you strong enough to be sensitive? Are you confident enough to listen to the women in your life?"
- Brian Stecker is an online personal trainer who specialises in supporting older men. This workout video shows 7 different movements that will help older men to keep strong and healthy. You can see more of his videos here.
- One of the stereotypically manliest shows on TV has to be Top Gear! The show has been going for 30 series and you can watch at least 20 of those series on BBC iPlayer, here.
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