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Signpost 3 (05 May)

From introducing new faces to revisiting moments of the past, the third issue of our Signpost email directs you to lots of new resources and activities to take part in this week.

Good afternoon,

Welcome to issue 3 of Signpost, St Monica Trust’s weekly email recommending activities and resources during the coronavirus period. We hope that these are of interest to you and introduce you to new opportunities that you can take advantage of.

The week of 4th May was due to be a busy one for St Monica Trust with our 100th anniversary, May Day and VE Day. Although we won’t be holding any celebrations this year, these anniversaries have inspired some of the recommendations below.

As ever, we welcome you to get in touch by email with your comments and suggestions for future issues on







Get in touch

We hope that you are enjoying Signpost. Don't forget that you can recap on all the activities so far on our Our Connected Community page. Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing more activities and opportunities from far and wide, as well as some things closer to home.

Would you like to read a poem, share a recipe or request a topic? Get in touch! Email

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