Signpost 16 (3 August)
Welcome to the latest edition of Signpost. This week you can consider what makes us human, enjoy a spot of opera and browse NASA's library of images and videos, plus much more.
While the lockdown may be easing, our Signpost will still be coming out weekly over the summer to keep you inspired and informed. Over the last few months we have received fantastic feedback from readers who have enjoyed reminiscing over some of our suggested links and experiencing new things from others.
This week we have a fantastic selection of suggestions that include handy guides to video calling, academic discussions, classic movies and even opera!
57 years ago this week the Great Train Robbery was committed. 56 years ago this week, Jamaica gained independence from the United Kingdom and 46 years ago this week President Richard Nixon resigned.
- What makes us human? This “podcast” takes the weekly slot from the Jeremy Vine show where guests deliver their thoughts on the essence of human existence, reflecting on their own lives. You can choose from a selection of over 150 recordings here which range from Ken Dodd talking about brains and Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks talking about family to Maureen Lipman mulling artistic creativity and Kate Adie celebrating the importance of kindness.
- Our IT team have created helpful video guides to using Zoom, Skype and Facebook Video Calling for keeping in touch with our friends and loved-ones. You can see these videos here.
- The New York Metropolitan Opera has been releasing a different opera each night through their website during lockdown. You can check what is on offer here.
- NASA has a extensive library of images and videos that is free to explore and enjoy. You can see moon landings, science documentaries or even amazing images from the Hubble telescope.
- The Linkage website has a broad range of online and socially distanced activities available in Bristol. Have a look at what you might like to take part in, from dancing in the park to online singing groups.
- The Bristol Research Forum on Ageing is a collaboration between Age UK Bristol, Brunelcare, University of Bristol and UWE Bristol. It is a place to explore the latest research related to ageing and older people’s experiences, and communicates relevant research findings to commissioners, service providers, practitioners and the public within Bristol. The most recent meeting was filmed online covering the latest research about loneliness and social connections in the current context of Covid-19. You can watch the video here.
- If you are looking for a good movie why not enjoy the 1963 classic Charade with Audrey Hepburn and Bristol boy Cary Grant. Due to a production error at the time, this film was never copyrighted and has been in the public domain since it was released. Enjoy the film here.
Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.