Signpost 13 (13 July)
In Signpost this week you can delve into the world of culinary herbs, enjoy a Christian meditation and watch highlights of Michael McIntyre's Big Show.
Welcome to another issue of Signpost. We hope you are keeping well and that Signpost continues to inspire and entertain you.
109 years ago this week Ginger Rogers was born, 55 years ago this week, Mariner 4 took the first photos of another planet from space when it took photos of Mars’ surface and 35 years ago this week the benefit concert Live Aid was held at Wembley Stadium.
- Are you Looking for an 'island of sanity' in these turbulent times? Experience some quiet time with this 20 minute Christian meditation on the Promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:6-21) by Christine Ramshaw (Pastoral Care Coordinator - Sandford Station).
- Would you like to share your selection of websites with our readership? We are looking for guest editors who can make some great recommendations while sharing something about themselves through Signpost. Please email us here if you would like to contribute.
- Do you know your Lemon Thyme from your Pink Ripple Thyme? Or your Majorca Pink from your Rosemary Gorixia? You can learn all of this and more through the Jekkapedia, an online directory of over 400 culinary herbs grown by local herb farmer Jekka McVicar.
- Each year in the middle of July, the Queen’s Swan Marker undertakes the annual census of the swan population on the River Thames known as “Swan Upping”. This has been cancelled due to the lockdown but if you would like to find out more about ‘Swan Upping’ you can visit the royal family’s website here or read this educational brochure.
- Keeping active and staying connected are vital to everyone’s well-being. Alive Activities have been funded through the St. Monica Trust Community Impact team to run a variety of online classes each week, enabling older people to continue with their usual activities, stay connected or try out something new while continuing to stay safe. You can see the selection of activities here and you can call to book a space.
- Age UK Somerset and North Somerset has launched a special website to keep people informed during these difficult times. You can find news and useful information as well as subscribing to their ‘balls for boredom’ scheme!
- You can watch some of Comedian Michael McIntyre’s favourite movements from his Big Show here.
Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.