Signpost 10 (22 June)
Welcome to the latest edition of Signpost. This week you can celebrate Founders' Day with us, enjoy a 10 minute workout, or catch up on '50 things that made the modern economy'. Plus much more.
Welcome to our Signpost for the week of the 22 June.
Usually we would be preparing to celebrate Founders' Day with services and activities to bring staff and residents together, but this year things are obviously a bit different. We hope this issue keeps you busy during this week and provides new and inspiring experiences for you.
“This week in history” has become a regular feature of Signpost and we have heard back from readers who enjoy revisiting historical events, so here we go…
387 years ago this week, Galileo Galilei was forced by the Vatican to recant his belief that the earth rotated around the sun, with the Vatican taking 359 years to admit that Galileo was right. 57 years ago this week, John F Kennedy made his famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech, 34 years ago, Diego Maradona used the phrase “hand of God” when taking about his controversial goal in the World Cup quarter finals and 30 years ago today Checkpoint Charlie was closed and dismantled.
- Although we cannot be together this Founders' Day, we can still create a sense of community by all watching the St Monica Trust Founders' Day service on Wednesday 24 June at 3pm here.
- The Downing Street coronavirus (COVID-19) press conference has become a daily staple of the pandemic with the ministerial statements followed by questions from the press and public. If you would like to ask a question and have it answered by a cabinet minister you can do so here. Press the big green “Start now” button before confirming that you are over 18 and then writing your question and personal details on the next page. An independent polling organisation chooses the questions at 10am each day. Ministers don’t see the questions before the press conference and the government is not involved in choosing questions.
- The BBC website has an audio documentary series called '50 things that made the modern economy' which explores the fascinating stories of inventions, ideas and innovations which have helped create the economic world. With now over 100 episodes, the 'things' vary from the lightbulb, barcode and Santa Claus to department stores, dwarf wheat and tulips.
- We are in the middle of well dressing season with villages (mostly around Derbyshire and Staffordshire) decorating their local wells with designs created from flowers and other natural materials. You can find out more about the art of well dressing here.
- '10 Today' is a website that has been designed by and for older people to keep them physically active, boost their well-being, and help maintain mobility and balance, during such a difficult and lonely time for many. The website provides a selection of fun 10 minute workouts intended to easily fit into your day and to help you get stretching and moving at home . You can listen to the sessions here or watch the videos here.
- The Bristol Cable is an award winning local newspaper that is created and owned by the local community. The paper undertakes investigations, campaigns for change and ensures that marginalised voices can be heard. You can read articles from the Bristol Cable here by choosing 'Sections'.
- In 2013, Dame Judi Dench and Steve Coogan made the film 'Philomena' which told the true story of a woman who recruited the help of an investigative journalist to track down her son that she given up for adoption 50 years before. You can watch ‘Philomena’ here.
Thank you for exploring our suggestions. We hope you have enjoyed them. Please get in touch through our email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk and let us know how we are doing.