Church Services & Reflections
During this time of social distancing, our Pastoral Care team are using the internet to share their reflections and services. Take a look at their latest videos below.
Reflections on a Rainbow
Pastoral Care Coordinator for Monica Wills House and the Garden House, Ruth Gillings shares a thought for the day.
Faith and Social Distancing from St Monica Trust on Vimeo.
A story of drawing near to God.
Faith and Social Distancing
Colin Thompson, Pastoral Care Coordinator for Westbury Fields, reflecting on faith and social distancing.
Maundy Thursday Service & Meditation
A short meditation on the readings for Maundy Thursday from Reverend Julie Sims, Pastoral Care Coordinator at Sandford Station.
A Service for Good Friday
Lisa, Pastoral Care Coordinator at The Chocolate Quarter, shares a service for Good Friday.
Watch more of our services online
For more videos from our Pastoral Care team, including Palm and Easter Sunday services, visit https://vimeo.com/stmonicatrust.