Introducing Signpost (20 April)
We've launched a new online activity hub for our residents and local older people during the coronavirus period, Our Connected Community. Each Monday we'll be sharing the latest things to do from the hub with our resident in a new email series called Signpost. Here's the first, for week 20 April.
Good afternoon,
The current coronavirus pandemic has changed so many people’s lives, stopping you seeing friends and families as well as restricting the activities you can do outside of your homes. Many of you have asked us to help you keep busy and suggest things to do when you are inside. To offer a broad range of opportunities, we are proud to launch the first edition of Signpost, St Monica Trust’s regular newsletter listing activities and resources to keep you challenged, engaged and informed during the current situation. In each issue of Signpost we will provide a range of activities and projects that we hope you will enjoy. We have sorted this list into 6 types of activities:
- REFLECT – In addition to our fantastic pastoral care team, we’re offering videos and articles around faith, religion and self-care.
- CONNECT – We will be helping you to explore a variety of ways to connect with others while at home.
- LEARN – It’s true that we never stop learning and will be sharing new and exciting opportunities to learn about all sorts of subjects.
- DO - Staying home is the best thing right now, but it doesn’t mean we can’t be moving and doing things. Explore activities to keep busy and active whether it is crafts or exercise.
- INFORM - There is so much going on right now that it can be difficult to keep track. Here we’ll share information, news about what is going on around us.
- FUN - While this is undoubtedly a serious time, it is more important than ever to smile and have some fun. We’ll be ending each issue with a bit of fun.
You can choose to do as many of them as you want, but we hope you enjoy our suggestions. If you have ideas that you would like to share with others, please let us know.
- During this time of social distancing, our Pastoral Care team is using the internet to share their reflections and services. Click here to see one of our Pastoral Care Coordinators, Colin Thompson reflecting on faith and social distancing.
- Chris Bryant MP has been inviting people across the country to record a short 2-minute reading that he shares each night. Click here to hear the Reverend Richard Coles reading “When the heart is hard” by Rabindranath Tagore.
- Is now the time to learn about video calls? If your family is always asking to Skype, FaceTime or Zoom with you, now might be the time to learn what this means. Age UK has produced a useful article explaining video calling.
- To celebrate St. Georges’ Day on 23rd April, you can read 10 things you (probably) didn’t know about England’s patron saint.
- Life is fantastic and full of questions, but as we reveal the answers more questions emerge. You can hear Alison Woollard giving her Royal Institution Christmas Lecture exploring the frontiers of developmental biology and uncovering the remarkable transformation of a single cell into a complex organism. What do these mechanisms tell us about the relationships between all creatures on Earth? And can we harness this knowledge to improve or even extend our own lives?
- We might not be able to leave our homes, but you can virtually visit a wonderful selection of museums online. The London Transport Museum showcases the growth of the transport system over the last 200 years.
- Keeping yourself fit and active can be difficult right now. Try this seated exercise class from our St Monica Trust physio team.
- We are all being reminding to wash our hands often at the moment and this video but are you sure you know? The St Monica Trust Training team asked their children to share top tips for handwashing.
FUN Do you like a puzzle? Try this selection of great online games and puzzles on for size. Warning: They are trickier than they look.
Get in touch
Would you like to read a poem, share a recipe or request a topic? Get in touch! Email communityimpact@stmonicatrust.org.uk.