Celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day
On Sunday 3rd May, people across the world will get up early to appreciate their local dawn chorus on International Dawn Chorus Day. So it's a great time to open your windows and listen out for birdsong.
There are usually early morning walks organised to help us enjoy a start to the day filled with birdsong, but obviously this year these won’t happen. Instead you have a couple of options. You could get up before 4.59am on 3rd May to enjoy your local chorus or you could use one of these free resources. We'll leave that up to you!

​1) Identify Britain's star performers with the Wildlife Trust
The Wildlife Trust started Dawn Chorus Day back in the 1980s and this year have prepared a fantastic range of resources to connect you to the natural world, whether physically or online.
​2) Watch the dawn chorus online
Online teacher Mr Duncan shares a recording of the dawn chorus from earlier this month and it's well worth a watch.

3) Explore live broadcasts of birdsong from across the world
The Locus Sonus research group's incredible live broadcasts transport you to all corners of the world and are simply amazing. Just click the microphone symbols on the map and then click read more to find out about the location and hear the microphone recording.