National Intergenerational Week
In 2021 the St Monica Trust has handed over leadership of National Intergenerational Week to Generations Working Together, who are collaborating with Linking Generations Northern Ireland, Bridging the Generations, Wales and The Cares Family, England. More details can be found at https://generationsworkingtogether.org/national-intergenerational-week.

Image: Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds, Series 1 (Channel 4, CPL Productions) at St Monica Trust Cote Lane. Photography © Barbara Evripidou.
Intergenerational (adjective): Relating to, involving, or affecting several generations.
The backstory
Once upon a time, older generations were much more involved with younger people, and vice versa. But times change. Parents are having children later in life, and living greater distances from their own parents. Not to mention that lives seem busier nowadays. Add to this the fact that our lives are becoming more segregated and accommodation for older people is, more often than not, set apart from where younger generations live.
All these things can drive a wedge between different generations. Isolation can begin to creep in. Along with a poorer understanding and awareness of each other. It’s a downward spiral where negative stereotypes and attitudes can take hold all too easily. We think it’s about time we change the way we do things. It’s time to say no to the age gap.

Get involved...
In the first year of National Intergenerational Week our aim is to get as many people talking about existing intergenerational projects in their local area as possible.
1) Share your organisation's projects or those local to you with the online world during #IntergenerationalWeek, 23rd - 29th March 2020.
Posts don't need to be about events taking place during the week itself, just share what and where the project is and the thing you love most about it! If you can use the hashtag, even better. You can download our handy resources and media pack if you need a little inspiration.
2) Show your organisation's support for all things intergenerational by adding your company logo to this page.
3) Share your top ideas for supporting intergenerational connections during the coronavirus.
Skype sessions and emails, phone calls and Facebook.
Download our handy social media resources
If you're looking for National Intergenerational Week social media graphics and headers you're in the right place. Download them via the links below, along with our media pack which contains some prepared posts if you're short on time.
Media pack
Twitter post
Twitter header image
Facebook post
Facebook cover image
Instagram post
A4 Poster
Join organisations across the UK as we celebrate moments & places different age groups come together for shared benefit. For more info & social media pack visit: https://t.co/YfJcv24hW0 #IntergenerationalWeek pic.twitter.com/nRvTOYUCC1
— St Monica Trust (@St_Monica_Trust) January 14, 2020

The benefits of intergenerational activity
- Learn some new things
- Boost confidence
- Reduce loneliness
- Feel valued
- Help tackle big issues around housing
- Increase understanding and respect
Get inspired...
Explore our case studies from inspirational organisations across the UK. And if you're looking to start up your own intergenerational project, grab a copy of this free intergenerational guide for a few ideas.
Case studies from our partners
The Cares Family
Intergenerational Case Study
Generations Working Together (Scotland)
Intergenerational Case Study
Intergenerational Case Study
Homeshare UK
Intergenerational Case Study
Linking Generations Northern Ireland
Intergenerational Case Study
United for All Ages
Intergenerational Case Study