Hoppiness at St Monica Trust
Hoppiness at St Monica Trust
The St Monica Trust first opened its doors to residents in 1925 at what was then the St Monica Home of Rest on Cote Lane. One hundred years of St Monica Trust seemed like something worth raising a glass to. To celebrate this, we want to grow hops and brew our own centenary beer, co-produced from beginning to end with our residents.
The Hoppiness project is an exciting collaboration between St Monica Trust, Alive Activities and local brewers to promote healthy ageing by supporting people to live their best lives, maintaining independence and maximising well-being.

Our goal is to grow, tend and harvest the hops – from beginning to end – with residents of all abilities, especially those who are living with dementia. The centenary beer will be brewed from hops grown at our retirement villages and care homes. Residents will also be involved in touring local breweries and marketing the finished product, with a celebration at the end of the project with a traditional Wassailing.
History of the Hoppiness project
The Hoppiness project is a dementia-friendly program, originally started by Alive Activities, which grows hops in care homes.
What activities are involved?
The activities involved in this experience include sensory stimulation, such as singing pub songs, smelling the hops, planting the hops, and, where appropriate, tasting beers.
Additionally, there is a focus on reminiscence, encouraging participants to think back to happy times spent in the garden, at the pub, and other cherished places. These activities are designed to engage the senses and joyful recollections, providing a meaningful and immersive experience.
At St Monica Trust, residents with and without dementia will be working together on this project.

The project overview
The project involves gardening sessions at our retirement villages, fundraising and raising awareness for dementia, and researching the link between dementia and reminiscence through sensory activities. It also includes workshops for naming, branding, and marketing the beer, as well as visits to local breweries to learn about the brewing process and choose a brewing partner.
Our partners
- Alive Activities
- St Monica Trust – Centre of Innovation
- University of Bristol – Brigstow Institute (Evaluation partner)
- Local breweries: Wiper & True, Moor Brewing, Left Handed Giant and more

How can people contribute?
The Hoppiness Project is open to St Monica Trust residents and their families, colleagues and volunteers. No prior experience in gardening or brewing is necessary. Key areas we need support include:
- Tending to the hops
- Supporting people in wheelchairs and people with dementia to get involved
- Helping to raise funds and awareness for the project
- Helping us to brand, market and sell the beer we aim to produce
If you would like to get involved, please email:
100 Years. 100 Good Ideas.