Hub Weston CIC
Hub Weston CIC
Project name: Age Advantage
Age Advantage aims to empower older adults (55+) to continue working or volunteering for as long as they choose, while encouraging employers to adopt flexible, age-friendly practices. The goal is to reduce barriers to employment for older individuals, promote inclusive workplaces, and create opportunities for connection, contribution, and choice.

Targeted skills workshops, personalised career coaching, and job-matching for older adults, as well as provide employers with essential training and resources, will be delivered. Tailored support is designed to break down barriers and ensure lasting impact, being a catalyst for positive change.
We're thrilled about the opportunity this grant offers to empower older adults to continue contributing their incredible skills and experience to the workforce or through volunteering. Age Advantage is about breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and helping both individuals and employers thrive together. With this support, we can champion flexible, age-friendly workplaces and provide tailored resources to ensure lasting impact for our community.