Dementia care in Bristol

About us

Improving the lives of older people where they live

By using solid, evidence-based findings gathered from the work of the Charitable Foundation, we hope to influence strategic thinkers within the housing and care sectors nationwide.

The Foundation gives the St Monica Trust a clear pathway to achieve its mission of “communities where older people flourish” through connection, contribution and choice.

Charitable Giving

Grant giving

In the wider community, we work with individuals, organisations and communities to improve the lives of older people in the region, through joint projects and funding for organisations and individuals.

Centre of Innovation

The current crisis in health and social care, combined with the change in people’s perception of how they want care delivered, has clearly signalled the urgent need for a transformation in our approach to care.

In response to this, under the charitable foundation, the St Monica Trust will sponsor a Centre of Innovation, which will look at defining what modern communities look like for older people and how that translates into a modern care approach. Through innovative projects developed collaboratively with our colleagues and residents, we will determine how to design better community-integrated services, new models of residential and nursing care in the Trust’s villages and care homes, and we will embed useful technology within the Trust and the wider care sector that will allow for higher quality outcomes.

Not only will the findings of the Centre of Innovation benefit the Trust’s residents, colleagues and communities, but they will also be widely shared across the health and social care sector, promoting learning and improvement on a larger scale.

Care Academy

Under the banner of the charitable foundation the St Monica Trust aims to improve the standard of care that we provide for older people, both within the Trust and nationally, through the establishment of a sector-leading Care Academy at the Somerdale Pavilion in Keynsham. The Academy will look beyond statutory requirements and provide people with the skills to deliver the best outcomes for older people within the services they work.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for any enquiries. We are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Cote Lane, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, BS9 3UN

Charitable Giving


Tel: 0117 949 4003

Centre of Innovation


Care Academy

Email: and

Tel: 0117 949 4324

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