ARCO Consumer Code
St Monica Trust is approved by The Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO), the main body representing the retirement community sector in the UK.
ARCO strives to:
• Promote confidence in the sector, ensuring that all members are providing a high quality service to their residents.
• Raise awareness of the retirement community model amongst older people and stakeholders alike.
• Increase the volume and quality of expertise within the sector and share this with members, continually investing in research to better understand and promote the socio-economic value of the housing with care model.
ARCO launched their ARCO Consumer Code to provide a benchmark for good practice within the housing-with-care sector.
As founder members of ARCO and 'Approved Operators' we aim to comply with the code at all times.
You can find out more about the code here.
Download the latest ARCO CONSUMER CODE.