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100 Years. 100 Good Ideas.

How can we support more people - in our communities and beyond - to live healthy, independent lives as they grow older?

Share your ideas as we proudly look back at a century of St Monica Trust and look forward to an exciting future!

Submit your idea now

WHAT are we looking for?

100+ good ideas for how we – the St Monica Trust – can support older people to live healthy, happy and independent lives.

This includes our colleagues and residents today, but also future generations and our wider communities (via our Charitable Foundation).

Submit your idea now

HOW to get involved?

SCROLL DOWN and submit your idea using the form below or

WRITE TO US: 100 Good Ideas, c/o Innovation Team, St Monica Trust, Cote Lane, Bristol, BS9 3UN.

ATTEND one of our in-person workshops between now and March, click here for dates and details.

Submit your idea now

WHY get involved?

All of us are growing older by the day – together we can shape new and better futures: accelerating the latest research, technologies, common-sense solutions and everyday improvements.

We are inviting EVERYONE who contributes to join our Innovation Forum in Bristol on 27 March 2025, where we will share the top 100 ideas and debate and discuss how to implement them.

Submit your idea now

WHAT is a ‘good’ idea?

Starter themes

We are open to all sorts of ideas – big and small – but to get the ball rolling we wanted to share some high-level themes that might get your cogs whirring:


How can we support people to live the healthiest lives possible and prevent age-related illness whilst continuing to respect individual choices?


Hobbies and interests often change overtime; how might we support people to explore new activities and enjoy rich, fulfilling lives?


How can we help people to make age and disability related adaptations (or even move to a new property) whilst retaining a sense of safety and familiarity?


How can we make better use of our existing sites as well as new venues, new technologies etc to foster social connection and make loneliness a stranger?


How can older people continue to contribute post-retirement? What can St Monica Trust do to unlock greater civic participation and improve society for everyone?


How can we - as a society - support people to grow older wherever they choose, be that at home, in one of our villages or care homes, or on a cruise ship heading to the Caribbean...

Let's take a look at some of the great ideas we've received so far:

Creating a floating retirement home/marina at the Chocolate Quarter retirement village

Developing virtual keep-fit lessons on screens available on demand in care homes

Launching pop-up farms/kitchen gardens on building sites or under-utilised land

Organising intergenerational craft workshops where carers can bring children

Establishing bucket list group similar to the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Creating the Memory Mapping Project to develop shared maps of memories and places

Using AI to predict and prevent falls

Launching a program to connect non-frontline staff with residents to uncover hidden staff skills

Submit your idea

Please submit your ideas by 9.00am on Wednesday, 5 March 2025.

We are collecting your data to keep you informed about the 100 Good Ideas campaign from the Centre of Innovation. Your data will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. By completing this form, you give us permission to publish and use these ideas as we see fit.

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