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Vibrant retirement villages

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Compassionate care homes

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John Wills House care home respite care 3 weeks for the price of 2

Respite care special offer

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Millstream at The Chocolate Quarter

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Communities where older people flourish

About us
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Connection, contribution, choice

About us
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Supporting older people in our region for over 100 years

Discover our charitable foundation
The St Monica Trust was founded on a commitment to support older people in their own communities, in addition to those who live in our care homes and retirement villages. Our charitable foundation works with older people across the west of England to find ways of improving their quality of life. Through our funding, Care Academy and Centre of Innovation, we support individuals and communities to flourish through connection, contribution and choice. We can’t do this alone and our partnership with communities, charities and other organisations is essential to maximising our impact.
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Communities where older people flourish - connection, contribution, choice

We're committed to communities where older people flourish and for us this means providing opportunities for our residents to enjoy treasured relationships, exercise choice and feel valued. We call these our three Cs - Connection, Contribution and Choice.

As a registered charity and not-for-profit, our unique blend of welcoming retirement villages, specialist care homes and support for older people both in our communities and across our region, allows us to put what matters to you at the heart of all that we do.

Care that matters to you

Caring for and about people. It’s at the heart of everything we do. That’s what makes our service so exceptional. Our specialist care extends beyond our four care homes, to providing support for people living in their own homes and specialist dementia day care.

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Join our team. Make a community

Every day at the St Monica Trust, a team of more than 1,400 people share their talent, passion and expertise to create communities and deliver care that brings later living to life. If you share our positive vision and attitude, we’d love to hear from you.

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